MAN OF THE PEOPLE, adipem deformis bastardis
Professional Retard, Hater of The Year 2017-, Amateur SoundCloud Rapper, Mother of Two, Father of One ❤️
"YER GOIN' ON ME LIST!!!" - Myself, once I find a scoundrel dreadful enough to be on me list.
Here is a list of people I hate: weebs, k-weebs, e-girls, e-boys, softboys, emos, goths, sadbois, fuckboys, basic bitches, queers, non-binaries, lgbtq+, attention whores, whores, simps, coomers, transgenders, zoomers, arthoes, "depressed" people, "neurodivergent" people, liberals, westerners, memelords, "quirky" people, band kids, theatre kids, pseudo intellectuals, pretentious people, elitists, contrarians, populists, socialists, communists, maoists, leftists, alt righters, neo-nazis, edgelords, e-celebs, wannabe e-celebs, video essayists, sluts, new atheists, "debaters", political grifters, streamers, memers, influencers, americans, furries, lolicons, shotacons, fujoshis, liberal arts/humanities college students, redditors, terminally online people, moderators/admins, NEETs, hikkimoris, fudanshis, social media addicts, MBTI personality fans, psychology hobbyists, philosophy hobbyists, politics hobbyists, cinephiles, art/entertainment/media canon drones, "introverts", mentally illness fakers/exaggerators/hypersensitives/braggers, globalists, feminists, neo-feminists, internet father figures, alt. girls, alt. boys, zionists, progressives, wokes, anti-gatekeepers, gatekeepers, constant "ironic/post-ironic/meta-ironic" humor people, constant self-deprecating humor people, constant "toxic/damaged" humor people, "toxic but worth it" people, "toxic but proud of it" people, constant "sex/porn/hentai" humor people, twitter/pixiv anime digital artists, tumblr artists, NSFW artists/animators, soyboys, cucks, betas, paypigs, whales, gacha fans, anime games fans, orbiters, "niche websites as a social media/friend simulator" people, onlyfans whores, thots, e-thots, titty streamers, armchair psychologists, armchair critics, armchair philosophers, wannabe critics, professional critics, wannabe reviewers, "videogames are art" people, artsy types, constant "random = funny" people, constant "n-word = funny" people, constant "rude = funny" people, "swearing = witty/funny/mature/badass" people, tryhard sarcastics, drainers, y2k aesthetic fans, "outsider/underground" culture fans, hipsters, NPCs, drones, dudebros, podcasters, comedians who think comedy is philosophy/art/meant to push boundaries, comedians who use stand up as a smug soapbox, comedians who think offensiveness > funniness, BPD bitches, pussy-slaves, playboys, "alpha" types, hyperpop fans, obsessive raters and loggers, stat boosters, "empaths", lgbtq+ allies, "black people were kings/pharaohs/gods" people, cryptocurrency guys, liberal/progressive muslims, internet tough guys, reaction youtubers/tiktokers/streamers, drama commentators, "memes are my personality" people, "college is a scam" types, detrimentally biased academics, twitter politicians, internet atheists, exmuslims, pornographers, fornicators, adulterer, sexual liberators, sjws, writers/directors that use scripts for virtue-signaling/pandering/soapboxing, waifuists, "man of culture", virtue-signalers, pessimists, "pessimists", toxically positives, recreational drug users, shillers, incels, misandrists, absentee/neglectful parents, lgbtq+ clergy, pro-israel people, "criticizing the jews is anti-semitism" people, "criticizing groups means you are bigoted" people, moms using children for attention/social media, politics/religion as a fashion, dick riders, buzzkills, ipad babies, book/literature "connoisseurs", anti-intellectuals, "trauma is my personality" people, racists, natsocs, libertarians, anarchists, "democracy is the only way" people, islamaphobes, anti-semites, anti-christians, "fat acceptance" people, pro-steroids for recreational use, overraters, corporation/company/developer/etc. apologists, "autism is my personality" people, people who think playing into stereotypes makes them above it, zodiac signs believers, "spiritual yet not religious" people, vegans due to trends/virtue-signaling, anti-meat or animal slaughter, hippies, kpop stans, any female pop artist stans, people who act black, slang/lingo/buzzwords overusers and constant adopters, people who use site-specific or context-specific lingo outside of respective places, hypebeasts, sneakerheads, wannabe gangsters, anti-vaxers, vaccine worshipers, "empathy and perspective is only allowed for PC people/things/situations" people, overly-pc people, constant "relatable" humor, constant popular "joke/meme/tweet" rehasher, marvel fans, military bootlickers, anti-cops people, punks, wannabe revolutionaries/rebels, chronic rioters/protestors/rebels, liars, zealot environmentalists, zealots, extremists, death grip fans, metalheads, "lyrical" hiphopheads, parasocial relationship formers and enablers, "antisocial" people, cosmetic plastic surgeons, cosmetic surgery havers (for non-medical or non-fixture or non-reconstructive reasons), internet friend havers and prioritizers, pure haters, femboys, catboys, catgirls, vtubers, vtuber fans, "mental illness/disorder excuses bad behaviour" people, "let people enjoy things/as long as they aren't hurting anyone" argument users, blind followers, blind traditionists, "toxic masculinity" people, larpers, e-rpers, neckbeards, constant fetishists, ironic weebs, self-proclaimed otakus, emoji overusers, non-convention cosplayers, ":3/UwU" users, wannabe hackers/programmers/game devs/writers/directors, japanese to english translators/localizers, self-important people, internet/twitter/tabloid journalists, everyone at buzzfeed, girls with septum rings, trigger warning users, people who use reviews as diaries or trauma dumps or blogs, plagiarists, proud plagiarists, people who use "based/kino/cope/etc.", constant youtube commentators, people who link all of their socials/accounts everywhere, visual novel "gamers", overanalyzers, "everything is art" people, anime pfps, picrew pfp, pride flag pfp, pngtubers, omegle users, one-dimensional people, people who cut lines, people who think driving recklessly is cool, thieves, politicians, one note people, theatre talkers, 4channers, tumblrinas, twitter users, youtube commenters, public discord server users, public discord account sharers, tiktokers, letterboxd users, backloggd users, rym users, myanimelist users, serializd users, tvtime users, twitch users, carrd users, "japanese culture is superior" people, "korean culture is superior" people, k-drama fans, orientalists, "two male characters that are friends? they must be gay!" people, "thing gay = funny" people, sonic fans, fursona havers, artists that exclusively draw fanart or commissions, pro-capitalists, "videogame women need to be sexy" people, "videogame women need to be realistic (ugly)" people, pedophiles, overly-sensitive people, "I browse 4chan" people, people who put pronouns in their bios, fitness models, instagram models, diversity/inclusive models, girls with vocal fry, grisl who only speak in slow sultry voices, girls who speak in anime-esque voices, people who hate whores but think asian whores are different, asian fetishists, black fetishists, women who dont shave body hair as a statement, guys who only brag about girls, unironic "sigma grindset", rich assholes, people who hate rich people just because they are rich, envious people, unfunny trolls, trolls that push it too far, unfunny girls who think that men are sexist because they dont think she is funny, female rappers whose whole shtick is "my pussy/ass", female comedians whose whole shtick is "men bad/my pussy/sex", pro-choicers, people who are overly tattooed, non-smoking vapers, teenagers who smoke, potheads/stoners, people who are loyal to a fault to government or country or nation, people who are subservient and docile to governments, power trippers and abusers, rapists/molesters/abusers, people who think the slightest conflict or action is traumatizing/abuse/sexual assault/violence/assault, hiveminds, people with mob mentality, music festival goers, people who manifest trauma, crystal bitches, modern day "witches", wrist cutters, drug dealers, people who say "sex work" or "sex workers", project/group partners that don't do any work, teachers' pets, furmoms/furdads, people who kiss their dogs, people who think watching gore makes them a deranged forsaken humanity cool monster, menheras, ironic/claimed menheras, goth lolitas, girls with "aesthetics", breachers of trust, gossipers, one-sided friends, constant appropriators, stubborn people, people who throw away their principles or morals for trivial things, people who think "not caring" or so on is cool, hedonists, porn addicts, masturbation addicts, people who justify everything as long as they are doing it, people who think negative consequences are just direct immediate physical harm, people who intentionally try to embarrass others for a joke or for making themselves look better, people who make fun of others constantly but get sad/mad/offended when others make fun of them, genshin impact players, idol fans, persona fans, ATLUS fans, JRPG fans, asian cinema elitists, horror games/films fans, "schizoids", omori fans, undertale fans, earthbound fans, ys fans, final fantasy fans, ff14 players, mmorpg players, korean game/idol industry, japanese exploitive game/anime/merch/gacha/pachinko/idol/etc. industry, chinese ccp bots and drones, titty streamers, people who constantly post/tweet/retweet stuff about anime or anime fanart, people who have to include people into their fetishes and horniness, people who think it's cool or normal to be horny 24/7 or to constantly and publicly talk/post/watch porn, eroge players, eroge "connoisseurs", proud pedophiles, cryptopedos, people who use the argument of "she is not real/she is actually 100 years olds/etc.", loud neighbors, disabled people who make it their personality, "gotcha" debaters, debate audiences that treat it like a sports match, people who think "louder = more right", people who think "funnier = more right", people who think "caring less = more right", filmbros, filmhoes, pretentious directors, "all art is political" people, people who disregard artistic/creative intent for their own assumptions or projections, ungrateful people, people who insult/disrespect/mock their parents, people who post every aspect of their lives online, people who have to include the internet/social media in their personal lives and experiences, people who post funerals/births/graduations/etc. on reddit, people who eat while their mouths are open, female ASMRtist who just make softcore porn or girlfriend/waifu videos, internet autists, people with no shame, "gamers" who only play Visual Novels, "gamers" who think games should be about storytelling rather than gameplay, funk pop collectors, vinyl collectors, soda cans/bottle collectors, alchohol bottles collectors, minimalists, people who either refuse or are inable to look at things from other people's perspectives, girls with selfie pfps on every website/app, girls who do everything for the sake of attention, braggers, writers/comedians who use god/jesus/christianity as a punching bag, modern day "templars", race purists, prostitutes, strippers, people who use "latinx", people who use sentences with "as a _", people who romanticize mental illnesses, people who romanticize suicide, people who romanticize trauma, people who romanticize the deep web, hobbyist hackers, blackhat hackers, people who consider age gaps between adults pedophilic, people who think it's pedophilia to be attracted to women under 25, people who date but never marry/want to marry, people with "main character" syndrome, people who watched 1000+ anime whilst being under the age of 30, people who watched 2000+ films whilst being under the age of 30, people who listened to 2000+ albums whilst being under the age of 30, consoomers, people who consume media/art/entertainment for the sake of consuming a lot or having big numbers or for a dick measuring competition, people who use logging/rating/review sites as a social media, people who use logging/rating/review sites as a personality, people who base their self-esteem/life achievements on logging/rating/review sites, people who substitute life experience/religion/wisdom with "art" or "escapist media", galgame/eroge/h-game developers, galgame/eroge translators, excessive escapists, addicts, people who double park, people who post pictures of others online without their consent, people who mock the dead, people who don't take care of basic hygiene, people who care too much about their appearances, people who care about high end brands, fashion designers, anti-hijabs, people who get offended for minorities, poltards, people who make/run/advertise/use discord porn servers, porn hoarders, rich people who keep exotic pets, creepy foot fetishists, stereotypical nerds, stereotypical bullies, women who consider themselves physically/mentally stronger than men, people who make everything into a contest of the sexes, stubborn teachers/professors, professors/teachers who take pride in their course's difficulty, withholders of knowledge, constant conspiracy theorists, people who reject conspiracies outright without consideration, scalies, zoophiles, people who engage in beastiality, orgy organizers/participatiants, decadent elites, decadent laymen, skinheads, methheads, junkies, pretenious poets, wannabe poets, asian-americans that act african-american, moral presentists, gangsters, smugglers, human traffickers, greedy/scamming internet/network/cellphone service providers, scammers, westernized/americanized foriegners that don't live in the west or america, westernized people who overcompenstate for their ethnic/cultural identity, people who act western with natives, and native with westerners, colonists, neo-colonists, american imperialists, RnB singers who only sing about sex, shounentards, serial experiments lain fans, neon gensis evangelion fans, people who think berserk is underrated/peak of literature, people who use "peak" as an adjective, angsty teens, people who think relatability and humility is constant self-deprecation, people who are anti-immigration, people who are pro-mass-immigration from fear of appearing racist, refugees that aren't respective of host countries' culture/laws, people who "don't see colour", people who try way too hard to not be racist/sexist/etc., people who claim they love an artist but only after they died, people who share/give controversial opinions/takes/comments and act surprised/smug/prosecuted for people reacting, people who are "anti-work", people who withhold necessities or overcharge for them, people who create artifical scarcities for everyday use or important items, chefs that refuse to tweak food orders, waiters who mistreat customers, people who cut in line for no important reason, store clerks/staff that follow you around while you browse, people who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom, people who don't shower regularly, people who stick to your back in queues, rude/passive-aggressive tellers/receptionists/window-clerks/employees etc., people who dont want to do their work because they are lazy or petty, corrupt bosses/ceos/shareholders, women who think having periods is something mystical or magically, female artists whose art is often always about vaginas, period blood, sexism, or feminism, karens, tomboy fetishists, waifuists, hoodrats, ratchet hoes, abusive parents, teenagers who think discpline or rules or physical punishment is "abuse", people who don't understand the difference between hitting and beating, people who criticize others for not always being coolheaded and rational or those who criticze others for getting emotional or heated, people who criticize characters for not operating/thinking/acting 100% efficiently rationally and practicually, people who think being morally righteous allows them to wrong others/oppositions, people who have public meltdowns, people who shame others for their taste in food, narcissists, people who sexually assault others as a joke, youtube/tiktok pranksters, people who don't apologize enough, people who think it's beneath them or emmasculating to apologize, food delivery drivers when they leave the food somewhere other than instructed, food delivery drivers when they ring the door bell and wait for me to answer and not leaving the food, staff that are trying too hard for a tip, restaurant employees who interrupt meals or stare ...TO BE CONTINUED IN PART 2

Me, (Childhood)

Me, (Adolescence)

Me, (Adulthood)
Find the good lad at:
Saynfeeld, Me Fledsayin
"So what we gonna do today?"
"Monkey business."